Ergin Karlibel Knowledge Foundation

It raises generations who dream, believe and trust in themselves.

You will walk the path you believe in with honesty, take every step with determination and be aware of your responsibilities. You will see success not only as a goal, but as a continuous journey. You will never give up dreaming dreams and work tirelessly to realise them. You will always sail to new horizons and constantly improve yourself with knowledge and science.


Believing that the future of a society can only be shaped by well-educated generations, Ergin Karlibel Knowledge Foundation includes 65 students in its scholarship program for young people every year. To date, more than 500 students have participated in the scholarship program and the Foundation is preparing young people for a secure future.


Ergin Karlibel had one more dream: To offer the support he could not have on the slope of life to other people with dreams. To do something that would provide educational and cultural opportunities, especially for young people... Like the Karlibel Group, which started with the dreams of the Karlibel family, the Ergin Karlibel Knowledge Foundation started with this dream.

Founded in 1942, the Karlibel Group, apart from its industrial and commercial activities, carries out social projects, especially those targeting education, through the Ergin KARLIBEL BILGI FOUNDATION..

Lebibe Karlibel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation class

The opening of the “Lebibe Karlibel Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Classroom” built by Karlibel Information Foundation at Altinordu Special Education Business Practice School was held. Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Engin Tekintaş, Deputy Governor Adem Öztürk, Altinordu District Governor Niyazi Erten, Altinordu Mayor Celal Tezcan, AK Party Provincial Chairman Halit Tomakin, Director of National Education Kutlu Tekin Baş, Karlibel Foundation Chairman Ergin Karlibel, Levent Karlibel, department managers and guests attended the opening ceremony. On December 3, World Day of Persons with Disabilities, a zeybek show was presented to the participants by special students. Then a mini concert was given with their own musical instruments.